Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it's the heart that decides who stay inside.
Bukan sebab benci. Tapi merasakan semua orang memerlukan masa untuk diri masing-masing. To hurt and to be hurt, those are two different things. To hurt, you need just your own will. And to be hurt, its beyond your will, and your expectation. Jangan mengharap benda yang belom pasti. Kalau kecewa, sakitnya belom tentu boleh pulih sekelip mata. Jauh dari orang, bukan maksudnya memilih jalan untuk hidup keseorangan, tapi mengambil masa mengenang balik kesilapan dulu. Bukan untuk diulangi, tapi untuk diambil pengajarannya. Tak semua orang dapat peluang untuk buat silap dan memperbetulkan silapnya. Ramai yang buat silap. Tapi yang memperbetulkannya?
Sesetengah orang merasakan dengan mengetahui satu bab dalam hidup orang lain menjadikan dia orang yang paling dekat dan paling rapat. Sedangkan hidup manusia bukan cuma satu bab. Beranggapan, memahami dan menghakimi. 3 benda yang sangat berbeza namun manusia sering mengcampur adukan nya. Tak salah untuk merasa dekat, untuk merasa rapat, namun kalau sudah menimbulkan keraguan dan fitnah orang, untuk apa?
Yaaa kadang manusia kurang sedar, termasuk diri ini, yang kurang sedar, mungkin juga belum sedar, apa tujuan hidup diatas bumi. Untuk merasa cinta, kecewa dan meratap? Tuhan tak jadikan manusia untuk berperlakuan selemah itu. Sebaik-baik, semulia-mulia makhluk ciptaaNya hanya wujud untuk mengenang peristiwa duka yang disebabkan manusia lain? Tak semudah itu. Untuk mencintai manusia lain, itu memerlukan satu jiwa yang mencintaiNya. Bukankah dengan mencintaiNya itu menunjukkan hati kita yang tidak kering dengan kasih sayang?
Hadith Sahih Muslim
All the holding on, moving on, and whatsoever on are – actually, they don’t even make a great success pun. I get tired of being someone that I am not. Alhamdulillah, I have no grudges towards anyone. I’ve broke some hearts, so it’s karma, don’t you think? It’s the time when my heart get broken by the others, well, I mean, one person. I rarely think how and what I am when I fallen in love, because the truth is, I don’t let people get in easily into my heart. Seriously, I have no idea why. I've broke some hearts by always saying no whenever they asked me to be theirs. I'm not being choosy pun, tapi haih, idk. But the thing is, I’m ready to forgive that one person who abandoned me, and ignored me, and hurt me, and make me cried all night, because I’m not ready to let that feelings go. Its so hard for me to fall, and I’m just gonna let it flew away? Freaking yes that I’m afraid that I’d get hurt again, tapi kalau pikir balik, you won’t be getting the honey without being stung by the bee, kan? Kene ade precaution, this and that, lah kan? I’m gonna let Him decides my jodoh, He knows better. If both of us were meant to be, so why should I be flashing back all the sadness and simply throw him away? I’m thankful if thing turned out to be that way, and if it isn’t, I’ll be thankful as I and him might deserved better. Who knows right? So people, if you love somebody out there, who obviously hurting you and make you cry, if one day he came back and ask you to be by his side forever, don’t ever think of pulling his legs and twisting him over like what he did before. Accept him for you don’t know what He already plan for you. You love him after all. And obviously, he is loving you too kan kalau he is coming back to you. Its a matter of time. And jodoh. Spread the love. J
I'm sweating terribly. Pale. Shaking. And helpless.
Maharaja Lawak - Minggu 8 - Sepah
hahahahhahahahaa ngeng tol. menanges berbahak bahak tgk ni. alahai sepah.
perubahan cuaca?
perubahan emosi? rasanya normal je ni.
perubahan umur? masih sweet 17. haha.
perubahan muka? err? please jgn. hehe.
dah tu?
perubahan hati? masih setia kot. eh? hahaha melalut dah lahaii.
People lie and tell you what you want to hear - that's how you end up falling with someone you don't even know. Sometimes, it's hard to predict our own heart. We met lots and maybe countless people everyday. Friends, relatives, neighbours, family and maybe some strangers. In some way, we found that strangers might understand us more than other people around. Maybe we found good strangers. It's great. What if we encountered a bad one?