tengah tengah malam meroyan bersama zainab fad'aq ni best jgk.

arini mau buat oreo cupcakes. and bring them to new pacific esok. mau kasi kakak kakak, kawan kawan kesayangan saya. yippi!

oh my god! did you see that?! *drooling*


setiap musibah mahupun kesulitan itu bukanlah tanda kebencian Allah,
tp menunjukkan kaseh sygNya.
yang dinamakan hambaNya itu tidak akan pernah terlepas dari dugaan.
Allah ingin menguji sejauh mana keimanan kita.
sejauh mana kesabaran kita.

saya percaya setiap yang berlaku itu mempunyai hikmahnya yang tersendiri.
yang tidak saya ketahui, yang tidak sesiapapun ketahui.
hanya Dia yang tahu. hanya Dia.

mengingatiNya bukan hanya waktu susah, tapi waktu senang, gembira dan suka.
Dia Maha Pengampun, Dia Maha Mengetahui.
setiap perkara yang kita lakukan, juga setiap perkara yang terdetik dalam hati, Allah lebih mengetahuinya.
tidak perlu orang laen mengetahuinya, kerana tiada makhluk yang layak menghakimi makhluk laen, selain Penciptanya.

wallahualam. (:

macam macam ada.

pelik pelik.
maap ta reti na letak intro ape, moh teruskan dengan karangan hari ini. ;p

pelik jugak kadang kadang tgk, ade orang yang pakai kopiah, nampak luarannya berperketi(aaaaa betol ke eja neh) mulia, tp pantang tgk anak dara orang! astaghfirullah. ta boleh tgk ade yang dahi licin sikit, mula lah kan. sekalipun kalau terlalu sgt obses ke ape ke, takan lah ta boleh na kawal mata tu na kawal mulut. sedangkan kopiah dikepala rapat meliputi seluruh permukaan kepalanya. *ayat skema.

pelik jgk tgk ade orang yang juga berkopiah bertuturan kata yang boleh dikatakan elok, tp ta boleh na menepati janjinya. hanya sekadar janji ta jadi ape pon kalau ta ditunaikan. orang yg dijanji pulak terkebil kebil tunggu orang yang menjanjikan tu. haih ayat mcm belit belit, tapelah. ;p

mungkin post ini akan menyentuh mana mana hati yang ada. ceewah.
tp bukan itu niat sebenar pengarang.
cuma kadang kadang terlintas dihati, mmg benar perumpamaan itu, don't simply judge a book by its cover.

mmg benar first impression itu sgt penting sgt mempengaruhi seseorang, tp kalau buruk diluar, ta semestinya buruk didalam. cantek diluar ta semestinya cantek didalam.

contoh paling senang, tembikai ngan dragon fruit. buah tembikai nampak licin, smooth and silky je, tp dalamnya ta semestinya manis. begitu juga dragon fruit, luarnya bergeriji (salah ejaaa lagi kott ni)tp dalamnya sedaaaapp.

haaa dekat di hati kan bidalan tu.

renung renungkan dan selamat berpuasa! x)

p/s : bm saya mmg agak terok mohon maap. (:

Seandainya Nabi SAW di sisi kita

sometimes, i talked too much so that i'll forget how to cry.
Be with Allah.
You will find Allah with you. InshaAllah.
"kita hidup di dunia ini bukan setakat nak hidup sahaja tetapi nak hidup biar sampai ke akhirat. kita bekerja biar sampai ke akhirat, kita bertani biar sampai ke akhirat bahkan kita berpolitik biar sampai ke akhirat. macam mana nak sampai ke akhirat, kalau semasa kita buat kerja ni tak pernah fikir tentang akhirat?"

-tuan guru nik abdul aziz nik mat-

p/s : mendalam kan maksud nya? (:
kalau sudah namanya manusia.
pasti ada cacat cela nya walaupun manusia itu makhluk yang terbaek dicipta Allah.
sudah lumrah manusia hanya menghargai apabila dia merasa kehilangan.
sudah lumrah.

this lyric meant a lot to me. a lot.


I hear the flower’s kinda crying loud
The breeze’s sound in sad
Oh no
Tell me when did we become,
So cold and empty inside

Lost a way long time ago
Did we really turn out blind
We don’t see that we keep hurting each other no
All we do is just fight

Now we share the same bright sun,
The same round moon
Why don’t we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought

Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you

Children seem like they’ve lost their smile
On the new blooded playgrounds
Oh no
How could we ignore , heartbreaking crying sounds
And we’re still going on
Like nobody really cares
And we just stopped feeling all the pain because
Like it’s a daily basic affair

Now we share the same bright sun,
The same round moon
Why don’t we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought

Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you

No matter how far I might be
I’m always gonne be your neighbor
There’s only one small planet where to be
So I’m always gonna be your neighbor
We cannot hide, we can’t deny
That we’re always gonna be neighbors
You’re neighbor, my neighbor
We’re neighbors

So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind

So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let’s pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you


sweetest song ever. (:

i have no right to keep on crying, burdening my eyes and souls.
i have to get over it.
yes, its easier said than done.
but my closest(s) reminded me to do not crying, no more.
what should i do.
its the best thing that i could do.
i have no guts to scold people or whatever things come in between, really.
i did cried for 3 days non-stop. FOR THE SAME ISSUE.
ya Allah how bad that was.

my closest(s) knew what makes me cried.
and i really am appreciated that. no kidding.
i am so blessed to be having such a friend.
and what they say? *sabarlah syg, ade hikmahnye. sabar ye.*
yes my darlings, i tried to hold on that.
but sometimes its just too much.
too much.

to those people who know how to break a heart,
well done! you did a very good job here.

and to those who being my side, never let go of my hands,
thousand of loves from me.
Allah shj yang boleh membalasnya.
i wouldn't bartering you guys with other things, even with diamond, for you guys are worth more than that. *loveeeee (: (: (:

and yes, i love you sweet pie, enough said dear.
you make me forget the miserable life. thanks. (:

terima kaseh Allah for this life lesson.
its harden me inside and outside.
InsyaAllah. (:

today is a very pathetic day.
saket sangat sangat terpaksa bukak pose arini sbb kene makan ubat.
subhanaAllah tak tercapai impian nak puasa penoh sebulan.
tapelah ade hikmahnya.

and another story,
my closest, encik akmal syahmi is in his flight now.
on his way to US.
tak sempat nak jumpe ape.
tp tapelah.
have a safe journey babe.
may all your dreams come true.
takkee care.(:
hidup ini harus sabar.
bukan, hidup ini WAJIB sabar.

kata ayah, tiada hamba Allah yang tidak diuji. kita kene bersyukur sebab itu tanda Allah menyayangi kita.
InsyaAllah ayah, ateh akan ingt.
20 tahun hidup, bermacam dugaan dan tarbiyah diberikan olehNya.
apetah lagi mereka yang telah hidup berpuluh puluh beratus tahun.

sabar itu separuh dari iman.
sabar itu membentuk jiwa.
orang sabar disayangi Allah.
insyaAllah, ameen. (:

9.57 pagi.
tempat kejadian : computer lab.

oh my.
kelas saya ini sangat boring.
mengantok taleh na tahan.
tp na tido takot, lecturer garang hehe.

i might look calm and strong but doesn't mean i'm not crying.
i do have a heart, its something that you called as emotion. or whatever, idc.
i do have, mind you.
and you, being jealous of me and us, oh i cannnn't help that.
please go get a life.
get a psychologist to be exact!

i'm not prefect, so do you.
please stop judging and bla bla bla bla.
please stop biatching about me behind my back.
grow some balls and say it straight to my face.
how about that?

you have no idea.
thank you for hurting me.
that's very nice of you.
one word for you.
describe it your own.

its hurt when you unable to get a thing that you are dying to have even though you can afford it.
ramai orang suka cakap.
ramai orang suka mengata.
ramai orang suka menunding jari.
ramai orang suka memfitnah.
ramai orang suka mengadu domba.

tp saya percaya.

lagi ramai orang yang suka berdiam diri.
lagi ramai orang yang suka sabar.
lagi ramai orang yang suka tengok diri sendiri dulu.
lagi ramai orang yang suka berkata benar.
lagi ramai orang yang suka tidak hipokrit.

maseh ramai lagi orang lain yang boleh membahagiakan orang laen dan dirinya.
tanpa menyakiti hatinya dan orang laen.

p/s : patience is the most valuable potion that even Harry Potter can't make it this far. ;p


just gonna stand there and watch me burn
that’s alright because i like the way it hurts
just gonna stand there and hear me cry
that’s alright because i love the way you lie
i love the way you lie
i won't repeat the same mistakes again. NEVER.



title post ni pon da bagi hint ape yg saya rasa arini, pagi ni.
yelah semua manusia pon tade yg sempurna kan.
ade cacat cela nya.
kecacatcelaan saya memang banyak saya akui tp sedang cuba untuk memperbaiki supaya kurang celanya sket.

Allah akan sentiasa ada untuk menolong hamba-hambaNya kan?
oleh itu kita kena selalu mengingati Dia.
dalam waktu sedih mahupun gembira.
InsyaAllah akan cuba memperkuatkan talian hayat dengan tuhan. (:

okaylah na pegi tgk tv kejap.
arini tade bekpes puasa kan hehe. ;p

p/s : everyone can be as immature, as crazy, as enjoyable, as naughty, as long as he doesn't jeopardize his faith and belief. (:

my very first entry

and hello! (:

this is my first entry.
this noob really needs some helps huh?
till then, no idea really haha. :D